Analyze, Identify, Provide.

LARUS offers a strong advisoring service for all companies that are starting a data driven transformation or are already in the throes of it. Choosing the right approach, the right technology and estimating the results of your decisions can be really challenging. That’s why finding the right professionals to guiding you it’s the first and most important step in your data driven revolution.
In LARUS we start from an accurate analysis of your company processes. We then identify the most suitable technology according to your needs and finally provide you with the best skills, expertises and professionals in order to build what you are asking for. Indeed, thanks to our agile approach, we always provide the right resources that are organized into Tribes, each one specialized in supporting the customer from a different point of view.
The LARUS Tribe Project is responsible for turnkey software projects (on-site or remote) and micro-projects that customers and partners outsource, leaving practical and/or technical autonomy.
We create complex systems, but at the same time easy to utilize, capable of perfectly adapting to your needs.
The LARUS Tribe Consulting solves specific problems in complex technological fields.
It is at your disposal to help companies all around the world to improve and increase performance, support them in internal projects and provide LARUS know-how and expertise.
Do you wanna have a glimpse?
Start with a POC
A Proof of Concept is a small impact design of an experimental method, technology or idea in order to demonstrate its feasibility, its potential and benefits.
Try our Bootcamp
A Bootcamp experience gives you a demonstration of how a specific technology or approach could be the right solution to solve the problems with your own dataset.
Ask for a Demo
A Demo is a short demonstration of the features, possibilities and capabilities of a project or service. It helps you understand whether our solution is the right answer to your needs.
Case Diving
Still don't know which is the right lever for your business?
We will give you the opportunity to participate with us to our 3-days case diving, a brainstorming experience in which we will help you find what can give you the best business advantage to stay competitive on the market.
We have a lot to share with you!
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Enter the LARUS Community to discuss #KnowledgeGraphs #AI #MachineLearning #DataGovernance #AdvancedAnalytics and much more. We’re looking forward to talk to you!